Woman Says WashPost Reporter Offered $1000s to Falsely Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse

On Thursday the far left Washington Post accused Judge Moore of sexual misconduct with young girls decades ago.

Judge Moore has vehemently denied all the charges.

Now it is being reported that a woman in Alabama claims that the same Washington Post offered her big money to falsely claim sexual abuse by more.

The conversation has been recorded and forwarded to the Etowah county District Attorney.

They went to the local DA instead of the FBI because EVERYONE today knows the FBI and DOJ has been compromised and cannot be trusted.

A Navy veteran who served 22 years for his country and then served in the Secret Service makes the claim. A family friend who lives in Alabama told his wife that a Washington Post reporter “named Beth” approached her and offered her THOUSANDS to accuse Judge Roy Moore of inappropriate sexual advances!

A family friend who lives



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