Will Trump Act to Have Pastor Released From Turkish Jail?

It is not surprising that a Christian minister is in jail in a Muslim country. There are very few Islamic countries that allow the preaching of the gospel. Most Islamic nations have strict penalties for proselyting their citizens. But, the reason that this Christian minister has been jailed might surprise you.

It will also surprise you to know the location of the imprisonment. Turkey has not historically been hostile to Christians. And for many years, missionaries and mission organizations have been granted relative freedom in Turkey. So why is this minister in jail?

Christian News reports

Brunson and his wife Norine, who have been living in Turkey for over 20 years, were detained in Izmir in October. They were accused of having “membership in an armed terrorist organization,” specifically Fetullah Gulen, which is believed to have instigated a military coup against the government in July. Brunson leads Protestant Resurrection…



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