Why Everyone Should Be TERRIFIED of Former ESPN Host Sage Steele | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 249

“I think it’s sick and wrong for any company to force anyone to do something to their body they don’t want to do,” says formers ESPN host Sage Steele about ESPN and its majority owner, the Walt Disney Company, forcing their employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine. In a raw and emotionally charged episode of “The Glenn Beck Podcast,” Sage opens up about the “blessings” of being canceled, the “human side of Donald Trump,” and why she has “no more patience for people who live in fear.” “I’m not anti-trans … I’m pro-woman,” says Sage, who was born the year Title IX became law and made her career blazing a trail for female sports anchors. She calls out the “disgusting” silence of so-called “feminists” and Senate Democrats for not protecting women in sports and the loopholes in the new NCAA policy. And Glenn asks her if transgender athletes should have a league of their own. In a discussion about how racism impacted her personally, she admits Obama was “the wrong black president,” and Glenn finally comes clean about being a “white, cisgender man.”

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