Which President Do Terrorists Like Best?

Which President Do Terrorists Like Best? (Image: MGN)

Mohammed A. Malik, the man who informed the FBI of Omar Mateen’s radical Islam tendencies recently wrote an article for the Washington Post.  He said that the two of them would frequently talk. In one of their conversations, Mateen talked about his interest in the Islamic State, which led to Malik reporting him. Another conversation led to Mateen’s favorable views of Hillary Clinton.

Mohammed A. Malik recently wrote an article for the Washington Post that stated that he and Omar Mateen, the shooter of the Orlando Massacre, would talk every now and then. 

He did not mention the connection, or how it was that they came to talk, but he did talk about their discussions.

At one point Mateen mentioned that he was looking into radical Islam, and had been watching videos of it on the internet. This is what caused Malik…



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