What We Know About The Dallas Shootings

The latest reports from last night’s carnage in downtown Dallas have left five dead (4 DPD officers and 1 DART Officer) and nine wounded (Seven officers and two civilians) when multiple shooters in elevated positions opened fire on police during a protest.

One suspect was cornered on the 2nd floor of the El Centro College garage. The man refused to negotiate or surrender and exchanged gunfire with police. Dallas police sent in a demolition robot holding an explosive device and blew it up next to the suspect, killing him.

Before being killed, the suspect expressed anger towards Black Lives Matter and told a police negotiator that he “wanted to kill police officers,” said Dallas Police Chief David Brown.

The gunman has now been identified as Micah Xavier Johnson. He was 25 and it appears he served in the Army Reserve, trained as a masonry and carpentry specialist.

Johnson is…



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