What Harvey Learned From Hillary (Exclusive Post From Dick Morris and Eileen McGann)

by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann exclusively published here at The Lid.

According to a blockbuster story by Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker, Harvey Weinstein apparently adopted Hillary Clinton’s shameless blueprint for smearing and discrediting any woman who dared to complain about sexual harassment and rape.

It’s a tactic that Hillary utilized very well in the 1992 presidential campaign. She’s been perfecting it ever since. 

And she’s still at it.

Taking a page from the Clintons, Harvey secretly hired private eyes through a law firm, where the exorbitant expenditures could be buried and protected by non-disclosure agreements and dubious attorney-client privilege. The subcontractor gumshoes than tried to find dirt on the women to shut them up them. At the same time, they used questionable tactics to stop legitimate media – The New York Times and The New Yorker –from covering the incriminating stories.

Harvey took Hillary’s strategy very seriously. He even hired Jack Pallasino, the



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