Wealthy Americans Prepping for Civil War, Eyeing New Zealand

The election of Donald Trump has sent chills down the spine of the nation’s wealthy elite and liberal leaders, who are now worrying about civil war. Wealthy, elitist crybabies are headed to New Zealand, fearing “civil war” in America.

Donald Trump has roared into office this week, taking an ax to several of President Obama’s policies designed to bolster his elitist supporters across the nation.  Now, seeing that there could be dark days ahead for the fat cats used to being hand-fed by Washington, many are preparing to face political turmoil from their summer homes in New Zealand.

“According to writer Evan Osnos, preppers from Silicon Valley and New York are getting ready for the ‘crackup of civilization.’

“One American hedge-fund manager who owns two New Zealand homes told Osnos he expected at least a decade of political turmoil in the United States. PayPal co-founder and Facebook investor Peter Thiel also…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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