Was it Wrong to Release Illegal Dreamer?

We have begun to die as a society. The signs of this are very clear. Just in the understanding and use of language in our culture, we see a growing sense of relativistic thinking. We use words to stir emotions and not thought.

Thoughtfulness and intelligence are discouraged, and kneejerk reaction and emoting are encouraged. This trend is evident in the way we communicate and what we say.

A clear example of this is the reaction to the release of an illegal immigrant’s child recently.

The Washington Times reports

Legal groups had filed a court challenge demanding that Daniela Vargas, 22, be released, and they confirmed Friday afternoon that she had been let out of the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“The truth, though, is that Dany should never have been detained in the first place,” said Karen Tumlin, legal director for the National Immigration Law Center. “President…



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