[Video] “A List” Actress’s Soapbox Trump Tirade Backfires …Big Time?

“A-list actress” Meryl Streep recently had a few “kind words” for our president elect… it’s an “oscar worthy” performance, that you’ve got to see to believe!

Mrs. Streep turned what could have been a beautiful and graceful acceptance speech into a whiny soapbox tirade that left a taste in my mouth as sour as the look on her face…

But don’t just take my word for it… Check it out for yourself below:


Trump didn’t have much to say on the matter. Probably because he’s busy planning the much needed overhaul to the Oval Office.

Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a…..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017

Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never “mocked” a disabled reporter (would never do that)…



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