United Church of Christ Says “If You’re White, You’re A Racist”

Hey white people! Just admit it…you’re a racist. You and your white privilege have got to be brought into check.

That’s what the United Church of Christ thinks.

According to the Daily Caller:

The United Church of Christ (UCC), a major mainline Protestant denomination, published a Facebook post telling all whites that they are racist against non-whites, no matter what they do.

This infographic was recently posted to the UCC Facebook page to help its white followers understand how horribly racist they really are.

These 10 nuggets of love came from a June 1 blog post written by Marchaé Grair, a social media associate for the UCC and an editor of the church’s New Sacred blog. In the blog post, Grair elaborates on the claim that whites are racist no matter what.

Here are 10 ways you can actively reject your white privilege.

Take up…



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