Truth or Time-Worn Democratic Tactic? Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Assault

It’s just four weeks before Alabama chooses its next senator. Roy Moore, the controversial judge who has been vocal in Conservative causes has been accused of sexually touching a 14-year-old when he was 32 in an article by the Washington Post. The judge is showing ahead in the polls. Now even Republicans are demanding he step aside from the Senatorial race. But we have to ask the question: are these allegations true, and why have they not surfaced before now, when it’s just weeks before the Senatorial election?

The Washington Post formally endorsed  the Democrat candidate, Doug Jones, Roy Moore’s opponent. Were they trolling for dirt for their candidate? The statute of limitations was up long ago for these allegations.

John McCain has basically tried and convicted Judge Moore of the acts. McCain doesn’t like Judge Moore’s high profile career, apparently, and doesn’t think Alabama would be “proud”



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