Trump’s EPA Officially Ends Obama’s War On Coal (America Won)

In a major boost to jobs and the economy, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced Monday that the administration is moving to officially scrap the Clean Power Plan, President Obama’s signature regulatory program to kill the coal industry by curbing emissions from coal-fired power plants

“The war on coal is over,” Mr. Pruitt said. “Tomorrow in Washington D.C., I will be signing a proposed rule to roll back the Clean Power Plan. No better place to make that announcement than Hazard, Kentucky.”

Yes, the war on coal is over, America Won.

Of course, liberal politicians and the mainstream media (that’s redundant isn’t it?) will call it a blatantly anti-environment move, the truth is that the announcement is another pro-Jobs move by President Trump that will especially help minority communities.

The Clean Power Plan was the centerpiece of Obama’s Climate Action Plan. It was announced in June 2013 and complied with



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