Trump Tweets Denial: He Didn’t Forget La David Johnson’s Name!

On October 4, four U.S. Soldiers were killed in a military operation in Niger. One of those killed was Army Sgt. La David Johnson. He left behind his pregnant wife who is due to deliver a baby girl in January. The situation is tragic, as is every loss of life in service to our country. Unfortunately, what is already a horrible situation has now turned into a nasty fight of he said/she said over President Trump’s condolence call to the widow.

Adding fuel to the fire is Rep. Frederica Wilson, an ardent Trump critic. Rep. Wilson did not attend Trump’s inauguration, and has called for his impeachment since the day he took office. Apparently Rep. Wilson and La David Johnson’s widow, Myeshia Johnson, are old family friends. When President Trump called Mrs. Johnson to offer condolences, Rep. Wilson was secretly listening in. Rep. Wilson then publicly criticized the phone call.



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