Trump Shows Beta Politicians How a News Conference Is Done

Another bedrock of conventional wisdom has been overturned. During the Trump administration it is okay to shoot the messenger.

Metaphorically speaking.

Trump finally held the news conference the media had been demanding and he gave it to them good and hard. Trump already holds the distinction of winning the greatest modern presidential debate — Round 2 with Hillary. Now news conference as president–elect set a record for entertainment and pugnacity that will be hard to top.

The big blowup came in connection with stories concerning slanderous sexual accusations that allegedly took place when Trump was in Moscow. Evidently Access Hollywood didn’t have this tape but the media hoped the FSB did.

It is an index of the contempt in which the media holds Trump that they could believe the charges were true. It takes an Anthony Weiner–sized intellect to think a man of Trump’s prominence could go to Moscow,…



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