Trump Reiterates That CNN is FAKE NEWS

Donald Trump has once again demonstrated his disdain for the phony reporting of liberal powerhouse CNN.

In the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s devastatingly embarrassing campaign of 2016, the liberal media began circulating a term that would be used in an attempt to delegitimize the victory of Donald Trump:  “Fake news”.  Now, with CNN being an overtly leftist organization, President Trump is lashing out at their version of “news”.

“Discussing how media coverage of his first days in the Oval Office inaccurately depicted him as a ‘racist,’ Trump went off on ‘fake news’ and threw another jab at the beleaguered network.

“’You read all about Dr. Martin Luther King a week ago when somebody said I took the statue out of my office,’ Trump said. ‘And it turned out that that was fake news – from these people [points to media]. Fake news.’

“’The statue is cherished, it’s one of the…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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