Trump Makes America Great Again – Why Wait

I know the snowflakes and their geriatric leaders are freaking out because they have lost the keys to the gravy train.  However, out here where Americans work every day to pay the bills our President, The Donald isn’t waiting to take the oath to fulfill his oath to us.

Just like the interminable hostage crisis that Jimmy Malaise Carter couldn’t solve solved itself when the Gipper took the oath of office.  As Ronaldus Magnus placed his hand on the bible and raised his hand the Ayatollahs deiced, “We don’t want to mess with him,” and sent them home.  So too as BHO’s death grip on the throat of American enterprise weakens people begin to see the light at the end of the collectivist tunnel. Just the promise of fewer regulations, tax relief, and the Commissars returning to their faculty lounges is enough to inspire entrepreneurs to hope again.  It is…



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