Trump Bringing Conservative Values To Supreme Court

“They are terrific people,” Trump said on “Hannity.” “Highly respected, brilliant people.” The president-elect also predicted that Democrats would join Republicans in helping to move some of his proposals through Congress.

President-elect Donald Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview Thursday that he had narrowed his list of potential Supreme Court nominations “down to probably three or four” candidates and said an announcement would come “pretty soon.”

“They are terrific people,” Trump said on “Hannity.” “Highly respected, brilliant people.”

This past May, Trump unveiled a list of 11 potential nominees to fill the vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia this past February. President Barack Obama nominated U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy this past March, but Senate Republicans have refused to consider him.

Also in the interview, Trump said that he and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., have become…



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