Trump and the Deep State

Words have meaning.  A word is a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.  Rush Limbaugh is a master of the English language in my opinion on a par with Winston Churchill and is the undisputed American master of quips, labeling, and metaphors.

As if to prove the point, Rush has once again coined a phrase that sums up a cultural phenomenon.  He has dubbed those Progressives embedded within the federal bureaucracy the Deep State.  This label perfectly describes those protected by the civil service acts as well as those political appointees who might be termed BHO holdovers.

The commentary flowing from the Attila the Hun Chair through the golden microphone recently shines a spotlight on the fact that the Praetorian Guard of the establishment are working overtime to overthrow the results of the…



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