Tom Price Confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services

In the very early hours of Friday morning, as most of the nation laid deep in slumber, the Senate finally confirmed Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) as the Secretary of Health and Human Services

Once again the vote was split along party lines with 52 Republican voting to confirm and 47 Democrats voting against confirmation. The entire week has been a long hard slog for the Senate as the Democrat minority continues to oppose every single cabinet nominee with seemingly unfettered fury.

From CNBC:
     “The Senate stayed in session for 57 straight hours from Monday to Wednesday as Democrats spoke through the night in opposition to the confirmations of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. While Democrats also oppose Price, they adjourned Wednesday night because of fatigue of lawmakers, staff and the non-political employees who staff the Senate floor.”

Price will have the unenviable task of…



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