This Fact About The Trump Grammy Dress Designer Will Annoy Liberals

While The Grammys themselves were a largely liberal echo chamber of ignorant evisceration of our newly elected president, one start set herself apart last night.

One thing that the liberals are ignoring in their insulting of Joy Villa’s pro-Trump Grammy gown is that the designer in an immigrant.

That star was singer Joy Villa, who wore a stunning and patriotic dress to the leftist affair, complete with “Make America Great Again” front and “TRUMP” train, all adorned in red, white, and blue.  While the progressives in the peanut gallery will certainly mock Villa for her political belief, the dress’ designer is also making one heck of a statement.

“The designer behind Joy Villa’s pro-Trump, ‘Make America Great Again’ Grammys gown, Filipino immigrant Andre Soriano, tells THRthat he is supportive of the new president despite his controversial immigration ban, and that the message of the dress was one of positivity.



Andrew West

Andrew West

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