The One Trick Banks Are Using to Turn Us Into A Globalist Society

The threat of globalism has become even more prevalent since the election of Donald Trump, who many believe to be the only hope of maintaining the United States’ sovereignty.

The globalist agenda is taking a huge step forward with the elimination of cash currency from the world economy.

With Trump in office, the progressive liberals, who almost always saddle up to globalists such as George Soros, have begun a feverish campaign to discredit and delegitimize the newly minted President in order to move forward with their globalist agenda.  Now, with the help of major players in the worldwide economy, their nefarious plans are picking up steam.

“Investment guru Jim Rogers, a former colleague of George Soros, has warned governments are seeking to end the use of cash to implement a surveillance state where your every expense is monitored.

“Jim Rogers, who co-founded the Quantum Group with globalist billionaire George Soros…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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