The JV Team At It Again – ISIS Beheads Catholic Priest During Mass In Normandy, France – Allahu Akbar!

When will America wake up to the “Holy War” being waged against all things “Infidel”?

France is getting hammered. Bombings, shootings, knife attacks, trucks in parades and on and on.

Now the ISIS sympathizers have taken it to new level, actually beheading an 86 year Catholic priest during mass. ISIS celebrates. The two attackers were killed by French police.

From the Daily Mail:

A priest has been ‘beheaded’ by two ISIS knifemen who cut his throat after bursting into a French church and taking nuns and worshippers hostage before being shot dead by police.

Five people including the 86-year-old priest, two nuns and two parishioners were held by assailants who raided the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy at 9am.

The clergyman, named as Jacques Hamel, is believed to have been beheaded during the attack while another hostage is fighting for life in hospital.

The two attackers were…



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