The Intel Community is Clamoring for the “Comey Tapes”

By Andrew West

Washington D.C. was all aflutter this week in anticipation of the James Comey testimony in front of congress, and there is no sign of the hysteria letting up anytime soon.

The disgraced former FBI Director appeared before Congress on Thursday to answer questions stemming from his termination at the hands of President Donald Trump just weeks ago.  Many democrats believed that Comey’s release was due, at least in part, to an ongoing investigation into Donald Trump’s purported connections to the Kremlin that the left believes the President used to secure his 2016 electoral victory over Hillary Clinton.

Instead, what the left received was a whole lot of nothing on that front.  Yes, there is an ongoing investigation into attempts made by the Russians to influence the election itself, but even James Comey was forced to admit that Donald Trump himself is not under investigation.

In the midst…



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