The High Pedastal James Comey Is On Is Beginning to Crumble

The Democrats have painted a picture of former FBI Director James Comey of a man of unfailing ability and integrity. That was easy for them to do in their desire to get at President Donald Trump. Trump had done the unforgivable in defeating Hillary Clinton for president.

Now we are beginning to learn of all the things that the FBI director did NOT do to protect this nation. Back in the day when Hillary was 93% certain to be the next President, he let Russin meddling go by the board. How bad, you ask? This bad, read on.

As Written By Monica Showalter for the American Thinker:

Fired FBI Director James Comey has had a long run as Mister Probity in the nonstop issue of Russia hacking the U.S. election.

Remember how Democrats raged when President Trump got rid of the guy for incompetence in his congressional testimony last May?  Remember the seismic shock



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