Ignorance And Violence In America The Bastard Children Of Greed
Jeremy Joseph Christian. A bastard child of greed in America. Mr. Christian (a paradox if ever one existed), is proof positive of the saying that while we may not recognize the bastard children of our violence, they will most certainly recognize us. On May 2 this year,35 year old Jeremy Christian fatally stabbed Ricky Best, 53, and Taliessin Meche, 23, when they tried to protect two young Muslim girls riding the train in Portland Oregon against an anti-Muslim rant on that, the first day of Ramadan. Micah David-Cole Fletcher was wounded seriously in the attack, and may not survive. Ironically, Mr. Christian screamed “death to antifa, and free speech or die” at his arraignment. Do we have an immigration problem in America?, damn straight we do. Is it ignorant beyond the scope of imagination to import uneducated, people from…