The 4th Amendment Needs Protection – Right Now

By Steve Sherman

Did you know that currently, the US Government has the legal right to conduct an unlimited number of warrantless searches on American citizens? That means they can search you and it’s well within their rights. By powers granted in section 702 of the (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) known as the FISA Act, the government has the power to force companies to provide warrantless access to your private emails, cell phone calls, and virtually any communication. FISA expires on December 31st, 2017. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) have seized this opportunity and drafted legislation to dial back the surveillance operations that are collecting Americans private information in mass.

The 4th Amendment to the Constitution protects the right to privacy and Congress should not be allowed to pass any bill that ignores the Bill of Rights. The Wyden-Paul bill strikes the proper balance between security and



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