Texas Voter Identification Law To Go Unmolested By Trump Administration


Texas has done a phenomenal job as an advocate for states’ rights, and the latest news from the Lone Star State just goes to show how successful they’ve been.

According to new reports, the Trump administration will no longer pursue an end to Texas’ common sense voter ID laws.

When the federal government originally, under Barack Obama, decide to pursue quashing Texas’ voter identification statute, conservative Americans and those elected to represent them were furious.  A state that is defined in part by their adjacency to Mexico ought to have firm and unbreakable laws as it pertains to who can vote.

Now, it looks as though the Trump administration is going to let it be.

“An attorney for a voting rights group said Monday that Donald Trump’s administration will no longer challenge a strict Texas voter ID law, signaling a dramatic change in the government’s approach to civil rights under its…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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