Texas to Jail Sanctuary Sheriffs

How far do you think the government should go to make people comply with immigration laws? For many, the idea that the federal government could force things on cities and counties is going too far. But, what about the state?

If immigration laws are a federal affair, then can states impose penalties on Sanctuary Cities and Counties? Governor Abbott of Texas seems to think so.

Breitbart reports

On Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) said he will confront the issue of cities that refuse to comply with immigration law by signing legislation that could jail sheriffs of sanctuary cities.

Abbott said, “We have been pushing a piece of legislation in Texas that is going to pass that I will be signing into law that imposes even sterner penalties on counties. It will include things such as further defunding them. It will impose fines. And…



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