Starbucks Facing YUGE Boycott After Dissing President Trump

Starbuck’s, with their expensive coffee and liberal leanings, is facing major backlash after they pledged to openly defy President Trump.

A massive boycott of Starbuck’s is in the works after the coffee giant openly mocked and defied President Trump.

While not the first corporation in America to begin a campaign of disrespect against our fairly elected Commander in Chief, Starbuck’s plan to hire up to 10,000 immigrants was timed and designed to fly directly in the face of President Trump’s emergency immigration reform that is necessary to maintain the safety of the American people.

Now, the coffee connoisseurs are feeling the heat.

“Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to hire 10,000 refugees in the wake of President Trump’s executive order on immigration has sparked calls to boycott the coffee chain on social media.

“The hashtag #BoycottStarbucks came about because critics of Schultz’s pledge say Starbucks should be working to…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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