Sen. John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer

Sen. John McCain has an aggressive brain cancer — the same type that felled former Sen. Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden’s eldest son, CNN reported Wednesday night.

CNN correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta revealed the shocking news, saying he had the permission of the Arizona Republican to speak with his doctors.

“With Sen. McCain’s permission, I spoke with his doctors earlier [Wednesday], and he said the operation he had revealed an aggressive type of brain cancer,” Gupta reported.

“That was what was causing his problems” that prompted an operation above his left eye, he explained, referring to fatigue, apparent confusion, and blurry vision McCain experienced recently.

“This is a type of primary brain cancer,” Gupta said, “an aggressive type of brain cancer and surprised everybody.”

McCain’s daughter, Meghan, a commentator for Fox News, tweeted an emotional tribute to her dad.

Statement regarding my father @SenJohnMcCain:

— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) July…



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