See what New York Times exec says about James O’Keefe

The executive editor of the New York Times is calling names after an undercover video investigation, which reportedly has more bombshells to deliver yet, found a newspaper employee boasting about slanting the news against President Trump and explaining that’s his job.

Dean Baquet said in a video about James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas, “It was an undercover operation in which James O’Keefe, who I think is a despicable person who runs a despicable operation. He essentially tries to catch people from what he sees as the left-wing media saying inappropriate things.”

The investigation was done as part of the American Pravda undercover video series by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

It has released two videos about the Times already, following three about CNN released last summer.

The most recent revealed that there are people who push those videos on the front pages of YouTube – those that supposedly are



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