San Diego State University political science professor Jonathan Graubart is annoyed at all the good tidings sent to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) since last week’s announcement that the senator was suffering from a particularly aggressive form of brain cancer. The shocking McCain announcement unleashed a flood of good wishes directed to the ailing senator from both sides of the political aisle.
Graubart wrote on Facebook explaining that his “annoyance” was based on his opinion that McCain is “a war criminal and, more to the point. Someone who as a politician has championed horrifying actions and been lousy on state commitment to public health.” And that “it reinforces the notion that some lives are more important than others.”
I find myself annoyed at the groundswell of good wishes for John McCain after his diagnosis of glioblastoma and have been thinking through why. A great line from Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem comes to mind