Schwarzenegger Tries to Roast Trump, but We are Laughing at Him, Not the President (Video)

Arnold Schwarzenegger took to Twitter to roast President Trump. I’ll give it to him, he roasted to the best of his ability…which isn’t much.

See, we are laughing AT Schwarzenegger, not with him. We don’t think his lame attempts at taking Trump down are heroic and funny. No, we see them as a sad jab at the president.

Not to mention, he didn’t even do his research. He is playing into the fake news about Trump defunding Meals on Wheels, and that seniors will no longer get the help they need. If you are going to stand up and talk about a topic, you sure as hell need to make sure you know what you’re talking about.

Here is the tweet:

Hey, @realDonaldTrump, I have some advice. See you at Hart Middle School? Here’s more info about #afterschool:

— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) March 21, 2017



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