Russia Pushes Back at U.S. Election Hack Claims


The petty and boorish claims being made by President Obama regarding purported Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election have finally irked the Kremlin to respond.

Russia has responded to Obama’s phony claims that the U.S. election was influenced by The Kremlin.

The story itself began soon after Donald Trump unilaterally united the nation on November 8th with a resounding victory over the corrupt and incorrigible Hillary Clinton, who was plagued by health concerns and a campaign by whistleblower website Wikileaks to expose her criminality.  Now, the story has come full circle, with Russia responding directly.

“Moscow is ‘seriously tired of these accusations,’ Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. ‘It truly is reminiscent of a witch hunt.’

“’This publication has not added any substance for comment. From our point of view, groundless accusations backed by nothing sound, fairly amateur, on an emotional level, which can hardly apply to highly-professional…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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