RINO Ryan Win Re-Election

The 2012 vice presidential nominee, if returned to the speaker’s chair by House members, may have a smaller Republican majority to work with if voters elect fewer Republicans. Ryan, 46, has been speaker since October 2015. His re-election to that job is not certain.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican Paul Ryan was re-elected to the U.S. House of Representatives by voters in his Wisconsin district on Tuesday, positioning him to reassert his claim to remain speaker of the House, the highest-ranking post in the U.S. Congress.

The 2012 vice presidential nominee, if returned to the speaker’s chair by House members, may have a smaller Republican majority to work with if voters elect fewer Republicans. Most House races were still undecided.

Like all members of the House, other Republicans were also running for re-election from their home districts, including House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California and House Majority Whip Steve…



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