When the Democrats protest a tax cut, it is like Br’er Rabbit saying “Don’t throw me in the briar patch.”
Historically, a tax rate cut does often produce a tax *increase*, because gross revenue rises. But, it has never risen to the point a surplus to pay back the debt is created. The fake “increase” in economic activity, based on the borrowed “tax cut” money, deflates the value of everyone’s existing dollar. Just like printing more stocks for one company only devalues existing shares.
The borrowed money for the tax cut increases fascist-leaning gov’t dominance over the economy. Tax rate cuts reinforce the guaranteed-fake claim the gov’t “caused” the economy to grow. This is because the GDP equation promotes this fake claim of deficit spending: Deficit spending is counted in the equation as real growth. It should not be counted at all.
A tax cut only empowers and enriches…