REPORT: TSA Gets a 20% On All Their Most Recent Tests, Spends Too Much Time Groping!

Airport screeners working for the “badly” run TSA reportedly failed to detect weapons around 80 percent of the time in recent undercover tests.

However, the TSA agents do grope 100% of who they chose to grope, including young teens, disabled boys and pre-teens!

In recent undercover tests of multiple airport security checkpoints by the Department of Homeland Security, inspectors said TSA screeners, their equipment, and or their procedures failed more than half the time, according to a source familiar with the classified report.

When ABC News asked the source if the failure rate was 80 percent, the response was, “You are in the ballpark.”

In a public hearing after a private classified briefing to the House Committee on Homeland Security, members of Congress called the failures by the Transportation Security Administration disturbing.

Rep. Mike Rogers went as far as to tell TSA Administrator David Pekoske, “This agency that



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