Report: Trump Rejected 5 Women Sent to Hotel Room, “We Don’t Do That Type of Stuff” Bodyguard Says

You can bet that the MSM, the Democrats and the Establishment are doing everything they can to take Trump and his administration down. Since they can’t find a Trump-Russia collusion they will keep digging up dirt, or as in Hillary Clinton’s case keep funding for more dossiers or fake news on Trump. So THIS news doesn’t sit well with their narrative.

Trump’s longtime bodyguard and chief of security Keith Schiller was called before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday for a four hour, closed door hearing, where he testified under oath about a number of issues, including the dossier, CNN reported.

Schiller either denied or couldn’t recall any of the accusations put forward in the dossier, despite repeated and repetitive questions from his congressional interlocutors.

NBC News reported that Schiller explicitly denied one of the more salacious allegations in the dossier. It claimed Russian hookers were sent to Trump’s hotel room during a trip



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