Public School Teacher Vilified for Refusing to Teach Illegal Immigrants

A public school teacher in Hawaii is facing discipline from his employers and the ugly recriminations of his community for not toeing the liberal line on illegal immigration. The social studies teacher dared to voice support for President Trump and then speak plainly about the fact that it is difficult to teach students who don’t show up to class, and for that he’s being persecuted by the liberals in his community.

A Campbell High School teacher is facing heat after saying in an email to faculty members that he would refuse to teach the children of those in the United States illegally.

He was scheduled to meet with the school’s principal Wednesday.

Hawaii News Now obtained a copy of the email, which was sent Wednesday morning. The full text of the email reads:

This is another attack on the President over deportation. Their parents need to apply for immigration like everyone else.  If…



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