Protesters to Dance in Mike Pence’s Front Yard


Some of the liberals heading to Washington D.C. for Donald Trump’s inauguration have some very strange ideas for protesting actions.

Millennials liberal protesters are planning a dance party protest in the front yard of Mike Pence during Trump’s inauguration.

Sure, the usual culprits are all going to be there:  The sign-on-a-stick “poets”, the anarchist #DisruptJ20 folks, and then there’s the women’s march on the 21st.  Now, however, one of the strangest possible protester plans have surfaced, and they are specifically targeting the home of Vice President-Elect Mike Pence.

“An anti-Donald Trump group is planning massive disruptions for next week’s inauguration covering everything from ‘blockades’ at security checkpoints to a ‘dance party’ outside VP-elect Mike Pence’s house, according to group leaders as well as newly obtained audio of their apparent plans.

“The organization #DisruptJ20 already announced at a press conference Thursday its various plans to wreak havoc at Trump’s Jan. 20…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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