President Trump Unveils His Tax Reform Plan

Today in Indiana, President Trump unveiled his tax reform plans.

Will you be able to file your taxes on a single sheet of paper as promised? We shall see.

Read the entire plan below.


Click here to read the entire plan: UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR FIXING OUR BROKEN TAX CODE
SEPTEMBER 27, 2017



President Trump has laid out four principles for tax reform: First, make the tax code simple, fair
and easy to understand. Second, give American workers a pay raise by allowing them to keep more
of their hard-earned paychecks. Third, make America the jobs magnet of the world by leveling the
playing field for American businesses and workers. Finally, bring back trillions of dollars that are
currently kept offshore to reinvest in the American economy.

The President’s four principles are consistent with the goals of both congressional tax-writing
committees, and are at the core of this framework



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