Police Chase Pig Down the Street Charging at Jogger -INSERT JOKE HERE- [VIDEO]

Cue the “Benny Hill” theme tune.

An escaped pig gave police officers the runaround in Redbridge, northeast London, on Wednesday afternoon. Amusing video shows two cops chasing after the porker, who’d somehow liberated itself from nearby land.

The animal even charged at a runner as it ran across a busy road, before the officers apprehended the pig and returned it to its owner.

The footage, was filmed on a stationary patrol car’s dashcam, and then uploaded to Twitter.

Nothing to see here – just east traffic officers chasing a pig who then decides to chase after a passing jogger in @MPSRedbridge 🏃🐷 pic.twitter.com/ZBYCl5Cs7a

— Roads&Transport MPS (@MPSRTPC) April 12, 2017

“Nothing to see here,” the police wrote. “Just east traffic officers chasing a pig who then decides to chase…



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