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MacBook selfie sticks are even more cringeworthy than photos with an iPad: https://t.co/WCoE4wvkJ5 pic.twitter.com/4M2KuuopYR
— Mashable (@mashable) March 1, 2016
Descending into levels of vanity heretofore never seen, the MacBook selfie stick is real.
Is it a good thing remains to be seen. As our selfie crazed world can’t seem to get enough of itself, here is a new way to snap that perfect picture of well, you.
Sure you have to be strong to hold up the 2 pound MacBook on the end of a stick, but think of it…you could take a selfie of you at the gym. The MacBook selfie stick also has the added benefit of obnoxiously showing the world that you own a MacBook and you know how to use it.
Millennials, this may sum up your generation.
From Mashable Tech:
If you thought taking photos in public…