Pence Makes Huge Statement, Historic Tie-Breaking Vote For DeVos To Be Education Secretary

Betsy DeVos has been a lighting bolt for criticism since her nomination by President Trump for Education Secretary. Her critics say she has no expertise or experience regarding public schools. But DeVos has a clear, effective, and proven plan for the school system in this country, and Vice President Mike Pence stood behind his president’s choice and ensured the right woman took office.

Pence Makes Huge Statement, Historic Tie-Breaking Vote For DeVos To Be Education Secretary

For the first time in our nation’s history, a vice president has cast the deciding vote on a president’s cabinet nomination. Technically, Vice President Pence is also president of the Senate. In the event of a tie, his responsibility is to act as the odd man and break that tie. So while the Republican Party controls both the House and the Senate, the confirmation of DeVos still ended up in a tie as…



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