Pass The Pipe

Obviously, Russia, ISIS, Iran, Assad and Korea are continuing to pass the pipe. The strike in Syria didn’t draw a line in the sand, it blew it up! One by one, sane minds are coming to the logical conclusion that the only way to get a bully out of the school yard is to knock him down. Leaders in Korea, Iran, and Syria are still talking crap, and they’re not brushing their teeth.

Obama was a weak president, and a closet, or not so closet Muslim. Between his indecision and Susan Rice’s misinformation it’s a miracle that Putin is not living in the White House. I think it’s highly symbolic when Obama left office that he also left the country to a place with a non-extradition situation. Y’all didn’t notice that, huh?

Now, before the more liberal faction gets their thong in a knot, let me enlighten you. Putin…



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