Our Police Must Stand Neutral They Work For US

San Antonio, Texas police officers bucked rules against endorsing political candidates to show their love for Donald Trump recently. “The officers wearing the campaign hats while in uniform violated SAPD policy and will be disciplined appropriately. SAPD officers are charged with protecting the entire community,” The responses to the mayor’s post were a mixed bag of supportive and oppositional messages. “When Trump wins I hope they all wear the red hats,” Gabriel Martinez enthused.

San Antonio, Texas police officers bucked rules against endorsing political candidates to show their love for Donald Trump recently. A video tweeted from Trump’s Twitter account yesterday shows more than a dozen uniformed SAPD officers wearing particularly noticeable headgear: Trump campaign “Make America Great” hats. The officers, who are reportedly members of the motorcycle unit that led the Trump motorcade to San Antonio airport, now face possible disciplinary action for boosting the candidate during the…



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