Obsessed Much? Obama’s 12+ People Keeping Tabs on Trump

Que the Mariah Carey music, “Why you so obsessed with me?” Those are the lyrics that came to mind as I read about the twelve, plus, people that Obama has in D.C. in order to keep tabs on President Donald Trump.

Is Trump’s twitter not enough to keep you in the loop? HA.

FORMER President Obama (emphasis on the former) is still attempting to keep his slimy hands in on politics. He is working more now than he did in the past 8 years! SMH.

Huffington Post article about Barack Obama’s clandestine moves against President Donald Trump held one key detail that shows just how obsessed the former president is with the man who succeeded him in office.

Not only is Obama in regular conference calls with Democrat politicians and groups to plot strategies to oppose the new administration, but he has established a team in Washington to tap the rumor grapevine…



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