Obama Staying Aggressive During Last Week in White House

Barack Obama had some harsh words for incoming President Donald Trump this week.

Possibly emboldened by the unfathomable liberal angst being allowed to fester around the nation, Obama has spent his last few weeks in office as an incredibly vocal opponent to the incoming President-Elect.  This includes dire warnings and pseudo-scolding statements that have, in turn, worked to possibly delegitimize the election of Donald Trump.

“[Obama] has said he plans to stay out of the day-to-day political scrum, find some ‘quiet’ and write a book when his second term ends Friday. For the moment, though, he is staying in the media spotlight with speeches, interviews and a news conference planned for Wednesday. And Obama has used the flurry of appearances to stake out a legacy imperiled by the surprising victory of President-elect Donald Trump.

” He has also offered Trump some advice when it comes to tweeting.

“’What’s going on?’ Steve…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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