Obama Snubs Snowden, Commutes Chelsea’s Sentence

Obama has made some interesting decisions this week regarding clemency.

His latest bizarre contradiction comes with only a day left of his presidency, in which Barack Hussein Obama has commuted the sentence on transgender whistleblower Chelsea Manning, but has refused to acknowledge calls for clemency from supporters of fellow truth-seeker Edward Snowden.

“The president plans to give another round of criminals early release before his final day in office this Friday, the White House says. But they were cast as low-level drug offenders whose sentences would have been shorter if they were sent to jail now.

“Asked about Snowden at his last press briefing on Tuesday, before the commutation notice went out, Obama’s spokesman said, ‘I cant rule anything in or out.’ He noted then that Snowden had not filed paperwork to seek clemency from the administration, however, suggesting that precluded him from receiving pardon.

“Snowden had lobbied the White…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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