Obama Proves His Incompetence Once Again

Obama Proves His Incompetence Once Again (Image: MGN)

Barack Obama is trying to get the public aware of the dangers of climate change by using false information. This isn’t the first time that Obama has falsified information about climate change, earlier this month he said that Manhattan would be underwater. Scientists are warning about the dangers of classifying problems with climate without having all the necessary information. Scientists are worried that detrimental policies may be put into place because of hysteria.

During Barack Obama’s well-deserved vacation to Yosemite, he talked about the environmental state of the country and warned Americans of the dangers of climate change. However, he used information that wasn’t correct not even remotely.

“Fires are raging across the west right now … all while it’s still really early in the season,” he while visiting the park, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Obama isn’t alone on the train…



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